The VeChain Foundation Sets Up A New European Headquarter In the Republic of San Marino

2021 proved to be a significant year for the VeChain Foundation with many exciting developments taking place – some of which are fundamentally game changing and others that greatly benefit our ability to serve the global economy with blockchain-based services.

One such change we are proud to announce today is the opening of our new Foundation headquarters in Europe, expanding our presence to one of the fastest growing markets while maintaining our original presence in Singapore to ensure coverage of SEA. Following a series of close collaborations, San Marino expressed interest in having VeChain Foundation established in the Country opening up many benefits and opportunities moving forward.

Europe – The VeChain Foundation’s New Home

In June 2019, CEO Sunny Lu was invited to a special signing ceremony hosted by the San Marino government to formally collaborate on the nation’s goal of becoming the first carbon-neutral country, a project that would go on to form part of its 2030 Development Plan.

Following a series of legal decrees and after the implementations of VeChain’s technologies in the development of a blockchain based digital covid certificate, the VeChain Foundation has established new headquarters in the Republic of San Marino and is pioneering the adoption of a dedicated regulatory frame for its operations.

San Marino has invested heavily in blockchain and implemented a tranche of blockchain-based regulations, creating a highly accommodating environment for blockchain-based companies and activities. A recent Decree “Provisions on blockchain technology for business” introduces a transparent, clear and simple regulatory framework that provides specific rules for the different applications of DLT.