Cumulative Investment Volume of AEX Earn Exceeds $70 Billion

On December 23, the cumulative investment amount of AEX Earn reached $74.2 billion, an increase of 27% over the same period last year. Market value scale of blockchain asset storage has jumped to the forefront of mainstream crypto exchange. The president of AEX Global Strategy, Frank Sun said, as the world’s leading crypto exchange, AEX has been focusing on providing trading services based on users’ wealth appreciation, and continues to make efforts in the field of crypto asset derivatives.

In December 2021, there were more than 15,000 cryptocurrencies in the world, and the total market capitalization reached $21,811 billion despite the downturn (from Frank said: as the crypto market expands, spot trading services can no longer meet the investment needs of users. This is very similar to traditional banks, when users have large deposits of fiat currency and want to get higher interest returns.

AEX has a large blockchain asset storage scale which is in the forefront of global exchanges. Especially high net worth users, have a more robust demand for wealth appreciation. At the same time, with BTC, DOGE, ETH as the representative cryptocurrency with up, down, circulation and application properties. AEX can provide more abundant financial derivatives for users to experience with traditional financial carriers (securities, stocks, fiat currencies).

Moreover, AEX has been deeply engaged in the field of crypto asset appreciation for many years and has now formed a multi-financial model ecosystem including Fixed savings, Flexible Savings, DeFi Pool, Staking, Bonds, etc., providing users with rich channels to earn. Each financial scenario has a corresponding investment cycle and rate of return, and users only need to deposit coins to get the agreed expected return.

Fixed savings and flexible savings are similar to traditional bank savings interest generation. Fixed savings supports BTC, ETH, USDT and other mainstream tokens, mostly with a period of 30 days and 90 days. Revenue is paid out at maturity. For flexible savings, the principal can be deposited and withdrawn at any time, and the assets can be dispatched freely with a minimum of $1 USD.

DeFi pool support tokens are more open, including MDX, SOL, TLM, ALICE and other popular tokens. AEX will be intelligently scheduled to the best yield tokens for liquidity mining to enhance user earnings. The annual yield is dynamically adjusted according to the market, and there are tokens that exceed 100%.

Staking is a way to earn tokens by putting cryptocurrencies into mining nodes for collateral mining, the size of the earnings is affected by both the number of stakings and the lock-up time. AEX selects quality projects and users can participate in one-stop blockchain node mining with various POS and DPOS consensus mechanisms.

In service of staking, users can stake one digital currency to borrow another one, such as stake BTC to lend USDT, and the borrowed assets can be freely used or withdrawn to obtain income in tokens, contracts, finance, mining and other scenarios, which can pry a new space for crypto users to increase their wealth.

There are many more financial services available from AEX, such as ASwap liquidity pool, which is suitable for users with some knowledge of the industry because it involves trading or pooling of funds.