Non-Fungible Art™ Inc (NFA™) the cutting-edge NFT agency known for developing mega-communities around their physical/digital cross-over collections, is dropping their highly anticipated Diamond, Platinum, and Gold Membership Passes tomorrow, Wednesday, September 28 starting at 11am PT during their latest special mega-mint party hosted on Twitter Space by fellow community builder Brando of Apes Together Strong (ATS).

With their pre-mint list now closed, Pass-holder-hopefuls who did not make it on the list are encouraged to be ready for the public sale release – estimated to start tomorrow at 3pm PT .

Why the demand? The rich range of digital assets, physical items and personal experiences offered at each NFA Pass level starts upon mint showing the high value to cost ratio in favor of their holders to PURCHASE an available Pass; and now also including an offer for a unique free PFP by beloved muralist Pablo Azar (aka Sr. Toony) – with his “ToonyMania Fam” [For more info about Sr. Toony go to http://www.azarpablo.com]

In addition to 5+ more NFTs, other imbedded utilities include discounts and early access to purchase exclusive merch like NFA’s limited edition Dr. Bombay toy being developed with friend and advisor Snoop Dogg and access to NFA’s physical flagship, Nifty’s Compound, located in the heart of the Las Vegas’ Art’s District. With 5 different continents typically represented on any given NFA space, their full calendar of FOMO-inducing holder-only events will not just be IRL. For those unable to trot across the globe there will still be engaging ways to remotely collect, experience and connect via special streaming access, Zoom and planned interactive A/R events.

What is most unique about NFA™ is its celebrated Project Partner Program© the company created in response to seeing disenfranchised communities left behind post-mint by “rugged” founders. “The idea was that by strengthening the bond between creators, collection founders and their collector communities we could exponentially strengthen the space to support one another”, said Sidney Richlin CEO of NFA. From Web3 powerhouses and famous founders to those new to the Web3 world or who have never collected before, all agree that NFA has succeeded!

NFA™ is also putting their (crypto)money where their mouth is having just announced their most recent commitment to supporting cause-based collections. Crypto Homies, created in collaboration with OG founder David Gonzalez , is dropping the digital version of the iconic IRL collection in October 2022 which has made Homeboy Industries their social impact partner. [For more info about Crypto Homies go to http://www.cryptohomiesclub.io]

About Non-Fungible Art™

NFA works with established and iconic IP across sports, collectibles, music, and culture to produce NFT collections that bridge the gap between digital, physical and IRL experiences. With the creation of their Project Partner Program and Web3’s first and largest mega-community, they can promote collecting, connecting and collaboration. Their mission is to leverage the collective power of this to create positive impact on the culture and for the world.