Cuprum Coin plans to launch its own crypto exchange CUCeX

Cuprum Coin is an emmy-liquid PoS native blockchain, a commodity coin, built on forked Tezos. CUC is backed by underlying assets in the form of ultrafine high purity copper powder, with the vision of creating a missing market for one of the most valuable elements in the world, through blockchain technology. It solves the problem of a missing market and opens the possibility of trading to small and private investors, as well as institutions, while until now this was only possible for privileged banks and the manufacturing and consumer industries.

Considering all the problems that crypto investors faced in the last year, where trust was lost even in the world’s best exchanges, Cuprum Coin decided to launch its own crypto exchange, which it will call CUCeX, ie. Cuprum Coin Exchange.

“Given that we have a native blockchain, our own explorer, why not have our own crypto exchange. It was our vision from the very beginning, to create a marketplace, so we are moving forward with that vision towards realization.

Many exchanges struggle to prove the value of assets, your assets, while we have assets in our possession with an estimated value of more than 30 billion USD, which we keep in the security house PROsafe in Germany. Any CUC owner can exchange coins for our asset if it meets the basic criteria.

Considering that our current market capitalization is about 600 million USD, the value of our collateral assets exceeds the same by 50 times. I am sure that there is no such cryptocurrency in the world, nor a crypto exchange with such a value of assets in possession.

We want to provide investors with everything in one package, so we are moving in that direction. We have secured several million USD of liquidity for the start of the CUCeX, and we will initially offer trading of CUC with 10 to 15 of the world’s best cryptocurrencies. The plan is to launch CUCeX in June 2023.

The initial step is to move the company to a more accepting crypto environment, so we decided to start the company in Singapore, which has already hosted many crypto companies as well as exchanges. The company will take over all the obligations of the current company that is the issuer of the CUC.

We plan to fully regulate the CUC by the end of 2023, so we will implement it as promised “, stated the founder and CEO of Cuprum Coin, Mario Urlić.

CUC/USDT has been trading on the WhiteBIT exchange at 2.50 to 3.50 USDT for the past few months and is certainly a great long-term investment opportunity.

Ultrafine copper powder is primarily used in the aerospace industry, as well as in medicine, but has also been offered for new development opportunities such as metal injection, electronics, ceramics, and thick/thin film applications. What is interesting is that it is mostly used as a financial product that banks buy and store in their vaults for years.

Producing copper powder is a complex process done in advanced laboratories. Depending on the high-level purity, producers plan to obtain (99,999+%) can require between 100 and 250 kilograms of raw materials (cooper); that’s how ultra-fine nano copper powder ends up as one of the world’s most valuable elements.

Asset-backed types of cryptocurrencies, which digitize various “real world” assets, are also a huge trend today. This unique group of coins became significant because they enable investors to store value unrelated to the fiat currencies, most of which are prone to inflation and volatility risks.

The main market differentiator of the Cuprum Coin from similar coins comes from the fact that the underlying asset in the form of ultrafine and nano-cooper powder protects the value of the holdings for a long, long time. Namely, as described, this rare and highly valued material is in demand in upcoming industries, and it is unlikely to see its value inflates or be exposed to market volatility risk. It is estimated that the demand for ultrafine cu-powder will stay uncompromised in the years to come, with expected price growth in the range of 8-12%.